Archive for the Rankings Category

Ultimate Buffyverse Episode Ranking: #175 – #151

Posted in Rankings with tags , on May 6, 2009 by hyperionecta

‘ That Vision Thing ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 2

Quite a strong episode which focuses on Cordelia’s visions, specifically, what is happening to her because of these visions. We all knew that Doyle was a half-demon and had the strength to deal with the pain that a vision brought. But can Cordelia. Well, she gets tested quite thoroughly in this episode and I think we get to really see the strength Cordelia has. It’s very interesting to hear that Cordelia values her visions so much, since early in the series she would do anything to get rid of them. Generally, the plot is solid and entertaining. Wolfram & Hart’s decision to attack Angel via Cordelia is a good one, as we see how much Angel is willing to do for her, foreshadowing their relationship somewhat. We also get a bit of comedy as Skip, the demon, is introduced, who has a real average joe-demon style, something that is quite endearing. Overall, a very solid episode that is a very good watch.

‘ Underneath ‘, Angel Season Five, Episode 17

Another solid episode in the greatness that is Angel Season Five. This episode feels a little middled but does keep you entertained and doesn’t do anything wrong, which you can’t fault. Angel has decided to start taking the fight to the Senior Partners but needs his former nemesis, Lindsey to do it. That requires a little expedition to a very quiet and pristine hell dimension. I like the idea of a perfect suburbia as hell and really enjoy the monotony of what Lindsey, and Gunn, have to go through. Gunn’s sacrifice does put him back in the good books a bit after having a hand in Fred’s death. We are also introduced to Hamilton, the new liason to the Senior Partners. He’s a little bland but does provide some fun later in the series.

‘ Out Of My Mind ‘, Buffy Season Five, Episode 4

Riley continues his season of annoyance and actually hits a new peak. Since Riley is a former super soldier, he was drugged up to make him more powerful, but these drugs have taken their toll, leaving Riley’s heart on a collision course with a major stoppage. In something similar to the episode Goodbye, Iowa, Riley becomes somewhat unreasonable and unruly and Buffy has to try her hardest to help him and with Riley’s friend, Graham’s help, she does get him to a doctor to fix his heart. The thing that annoys me the most is that Riley feels he needs to be as good or better than Buffy to protect her. Silly man. Thankfully, Spike & Harmony provide some goodness for this episode and help it move up the rankings. Both work very well together and probably have the best episode as a duo. This episode also has the distinction of having a great ending in which Spike finally realizes that his infactuation with Buffy may not be from pure hatred after all.

‘ Happy Anniversary ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 13

A standalone episode in the middle of Angel’s estrangement from the group, and in the end, this is the best episode of the mid-season slump. That claim can be attributed to Lorne, who provides a slice of humour and fun which has been sorely lacking from other episodes. He also teams well with Angel, especially at this point in the series since Angel is so downtrodden. I also felt Lorne suffered a bit from Oz- syndrom- a fun, loveable character that didn’t get enough screen time. The plot of the episode isn’t too bad, it doesn’t really provide much emotional drama but the scientific parts are interesting. Solid

‘ Ground State ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 2

This episode marks the introductions of the new character, Gwen, an electrically charged girl who appears in a couple of episodes this season. She ends up entwined with Angel as they both try to steal an amulet known as the Axis of Pythia which Angel needs in his search for Cordelia. Her wit and power  make Gwen quite interesting, which Angel also finds. There is a intruiging scene in which Gwen repeatedly shocks Angel only to find him to be a Vampire, but her shocks actually restart his undead heart, much to the surprise of both of them. Outside of that decent plotline, we also see that Wesley has become a hardened demon hunter and actually talks to Angel properly for the first time in a long while. The scene is nice since I like having Wes interact with the group and this episode puts his reunion with them into motion slightly. Overall, a solid episode that has some very nice moments.

‘ The Ring ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 16

One of Season one’s better case-based episodes. I think this is a sleeper episode for this season and one that I always find very entertaining whenever I watch it. The plot is solid, not brilliant, but better than many of the other episode plots that inhabit this season. The idea of galdiatorial contests between demons is an intriguing, if not an entirely creative one. The twist involving the clients being the villains is very good and I think that Darin , the older brother, is actually a very ruthless one episode bad guy. The arena fights are quite good, especially Angel’s battle with Trepkos. We are also introduced to Lilah, who becomes a vital character for Angel and makes a good introduction to the series.

‘ Sleeper ‘, Buffy Season Seven, Episode 8

This episode takes on a mystery theme as Spike finds himself at the mercy of The First who has been secretly and subliminally forcing Spike to feed and kill again. This episode is important for me because we get to see that The First is more than just a manipulator. The First knows how to use it’s weapons and it is threatened that Spike is actually the most dangerous weapon of all. Buffy is highly suspicious of his wrongdoings and eventually finds out what he has been doing, but believes that it is not truly his fault, so she gives him a reprieve, much to the disappointment of the rest of the Scooby Gang. As a mystery themed ep, it’s one of Buffy’s better outings, we know who’s doing it, but seeing Buffy on the prowl is quite rewarding. We also get some comedy when Anya is stuck having to watch Spike, a very funny section of the episode. Solid episode.

‘ Into The Woods ‘, Buffy Season Five, Episode 10

Things haven’t gone well for Buffy in season five and this episode puts Buffy in a bit of a funk. Her relationship with Riley finally hits it’s breaking point and Riley leaves for South America and rejoins the special forces. But before that happens we get a whole lot of fighting, both physical and verbal, and a bucket load of emotion. Riley had become progressively more annoying to me through season five and it mainly stemmed from his Tuetonic (as Buffy would say) need to take care of his slayer girlfriend. He finds himself unwanted and I suppose unmasculine with Buffy since she is very powerful and, in many ways, closed emotionally. Riley cannot deal with this and decides to find out what thrill she gets from vampires, or specifically, being bit by them (ala Angel, Dracula). This causes a severe rift in their relationship when Spike hints about Riley’s doings to Buffy. The fighting between the two provides a very steady dose of entertainment and the emotion involved also is quite powerful. And while the pure emotion between Buffy and Riley and thier imminent breakup is good enough for a decent episode, Xander comes in and provides a solid bump that makes this episode a good one. He provides one of his patented speeches to Buffy and gets her to realize that she needs Riley and that she should go after him. It’s a very nice speech which ends with him going to Anya and declaring his love to her. Unfortunately, Buffy is too late and Riley leaves, not to be seen again until season six. As you can tell from this rather long entry, this episode is a good one, but it still has it’s flaws, eg. lack of villain, other characters don’t offer much. On the whole though, a good episode.

‘ Rm W/A Vu ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 5

The first Cordelia-based episode for the series, and it’s quite a good one. There isn’t a whole lot of paranormal in the Buffyverse, but this is definetly the best effort. Cordelia finally has something go her way in L.A when she lands a very nice, spacious apartment, thanks to Doyle. Unfortunately for her, a very nasty old ghost is stationed in her new domicile and has plans to get Cordy to commit suicide. It’s a very intriguing plotline and really is pulled off well. We all know how tough a front Cordy puts up, but this episode let’s it slip a bit and we finally get to see the scared girl in Cordelia. It’s a ncie touch, and something that I think is needed for the character. It also provides a fantastic payoff when Cordelia rises up and proclaims “the bitch is back!” at the ghost, giving Cordelia an emotional victory. A very rewarding ending. Angel and Doyle aren’t brilliant but this episode is all about Cordy and I’ll let their lack of performance slide. This episode also introduces Phantom Dennis, an interesting character that gets some further play in this series.

‘ Belonging ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 19

This episode is something of a segue to the finale that is offered up in season two. We find out a couple crucial things in this episode. First, we get some major backstory on Lorne, mainly about his dimension and the fact that he didn’t fit in there. And second, we are briefly introduced to the character of Fred, who becomes a target of Cordelia’s visions. These two facts lead us into the big three part finale in Lorne’s dimension. But in this episode, we deal with a dangerous creature from Lorne’s dimension, as well as Lorne’s cousin Landok. The most interesting parts of this episode deal with Lorne’s background, which I find quite interesting and Gunn’s thoughts about abandoning his life and friends to work with Angel. Two good emotional points. The action is decent and the ending is tantalising but in the end, this is a solid episode.

‘ Unleashed ‘, Angel Season Five, Episode 4

A werewolf episode, something that was done quite a while back in Buffy. It’s fairly early on in the season so it’s not a arc-driven episode but it’s still very solid on all fronts. The character of Nina, who is the werewolf involved in the episode, is an interesting addition to the show and provides a love interest for Angel. Most of the episode is quite engaging and provides some thrills but it doesn’t really blow you away. While the main plot is solid, I think the side story involving Spike is somewhat more critical and even more interesting. Seeing Spike actually fear for his existance is very rewarding since we don’t often see Spike in such a predicament. His connection with Fred is also vital for the series and gives this episode some importance.

‘ The Trial ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 9

A very deep and important episode for the relationship of Angel and Darla. This episode provides background, emotion and a feeling on inevitablility that few episodes can get close to. Darla as a character has grown since her first appearance in the opening scene of Buffy. From the Master’s second-in-command to a powerful and feared vampire, Darla has one of the most crucial character arcs of any of the secondary characters in either series. Without Darla, Angel’s history has a big hole in it and this episode plays on that enormous history and connection between the two. The interesting thing about this episode is that it provides a catalyst for the season plot. As Darla, the human, is dying from syphilis, Angel takes it opun himself to save her from her fate, and will do anything to save her human life, even offer his own. The trial part of this episode is very entertaining and feels sorta Indiana Jone-ish in it’s presentation. Unfortunately for Angel, his sacrifice will not help and only Wolfram & Hart’s intervention via Drusilla saves Darla from a normal human death, only to suffer a colder fate, returning Darla to be that of a vampire again. These events are what help bring Angel to the darkness he experiences in the middle of season two. A vital episode that hits crucial emotional highpoints, the only knock I can think of is the lack of support from the other characters, although, it was all the Angel/Darla show and there’s nothing wrong with that.

‘ Slouching Toward Bethlehem ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 4

A pretty solid episode that reintroduces Cordelia back into the series after being mostly absent for the early part of the season. She returns from a higher plane with no memory of her previous life and no recollection of her friends,  especially Angel. It sorta creates a strange awkwardness as the Cordelia we knew feels lost, and her interactions with her friends are strange. It also reinforces the fact that Angel and his crew are not normal and that a normal person, Cordelia in this case, would be frightened by them and what they do. She ends up staying with Connor, much to our dismay (I would suppose, since Connor is not a much loved character). The tempo of the season arc is also kicked up a notch after Lorne is partially lobotimised by Wolfram & Hart after reading the new Cordelia. On the whole, a very solid episode that ticks a lot of boxes.

‘ Two To Go ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 21

Maybe it’s just me, and it’s not a knock against Alyson Hannigan and her brilliant acting because her portrayal of Dark Willow is excellent, but I don’t like seeing Willow so ruthless, and she is at her most evil in this episode. Maybe it’s because I love the character so much that I don’t like to see her so radically changed but I feel as if any remanence of the old Willow that I love was lost. To see her fight Buffy, while fun, was tough with their history and to see her threaten Dawn was very awkward. But once again, that is just me. On the whole, this episode is pretty good but it suffers a bit from being the middle part of a three parter. It doesn’t have the intial punch of Villains or the emotion of Grave. It does have the big Buffy/Willow fight which is great and the semi-truck chase is impressive but in the end, it’s overshadowed by Giles’ return at the end. A great reason to watch the season finale. Like I said before, the reason I drop this episode down the rankings is because I just struggle a bit watching Dark Willow and she is at her most evil here, still, a solid episode.

‘ Older And Far Away ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 14

I’ve always had somewhat of a soft spot for this episode. Maybe because it’s a bit of fun in the middle of a dark season, while still retaining some danger. The idea of having Buffy and the gang, plus a few others, stuck in the Summers’ house magically is quite interesting. It also adds a feeling of claustrophobia which improves the danger of the episode. The villain is fairly lacklustre but the character interactions are pretty good. We get some funny, via Clem and Spike, and some tension, via virtually everyone.  A nice balance. In the end, it’s all because of Dawn, which is slightly annoying but I always enjoy watching the episode and that’s always a big plus in any episodes good column.

‘ The Magic Bullet ‘,  Angel Season Four, Episode 19

This episode shows the strength of Fred. When we first seen Fred she was a shy, quiet girl who had been subject to terrible treatment and loneliness in another dimension. Angel saved her and integrated her into his group and she slowly grew into a crucial member of Angel’s Fang Gang. However, we haven’t really seen how strong Fred has grown, she had a bit of a moment with Wesley back in Billy but now, we see just how powerful Fred is. For her to single-handidly evade a whole population of Jasmine followers and save Angel and the rest of the group is a magnificent feat and a real accolade for Fred. The episode is really led by her and the slight thrillerish feel you get thoughout the episode is good fun. Since the other character’s are under Jasmine’s spell, they don’t really offer a hell of a lot, but it was nice to Jasmine somewhat frazzled as a villain. And on a side note, the appearance of Zak Wylde is great, although David Boreanaz and Vincent Kartheiser wreck the coolness of the moment.

‘ Dead Things ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 13

Three crucial plot and character issues come about in this episode. Firstly, The Trio of Andrew, Jonathan & specifically Warren become slightly more of a nuisance. Warren actually commits murder. I think this move was needed for these ‘villains’ since we needed to know they were at least somewhat dangerous and Warren provides that psychosis which could threaten Buffy. The killing of Katrina after a failed slave technology experiment is very horrific and real. This murder was committed by a human, not often do we see that on Buffy as most villains are supernatural in nature. Meanwhile, Andrew and Jonathan are very much bystanders in Warren’s mess. Jonathan appears to want out immediately after the event and is the most shaken by Katrina’s death while Andrew seems to just stick by Warren, much to our dismay. The second and third crucial issues involved revolve around Buffy and Spike. Since Warren manages to magically convince Buffy that she committed the murder of Katrina, Buffy world comes crashing down, like she wasn’t depressed enough already. Luckily, Spike tries to help her out and proves that he is looking out for her. Unfortunately for him, Buffy doesn’t want his help and ends up taking her frustration out on him in a chilling beat-up sequence. Luckily, things get solved in the end, but Buffy begins to realise how dangerous Warren and his mates are, and so do we. In very emotionally draining episode but a strong one nonetheless.

‘ Awakening ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 10

This episode is sorta a misdirection. A big ploy to get Angelus involved in the season and that’s fine by me. Wesley insists that Angel give up his soul and revert to Angelus so that they can defeat The Beast. Unfortunately for them though, Buffy’s no where to found so how can Angel get that one moment of happiness? It’s allright, they bring in a dark mystic who manages to fool Angel with a highly elaborate fantasy to which we are privy too. The fantasy is virtually Angel’s perfect day, minus Buffy. Angel gets to defeat The Beast, make up with Connor and get with Cordelia. A very pleasant day for him. It’s a nice fantasy and when your first watching it, your not entirely sure that it is a fantasy. It’s only when the mystic declares it done and we see the terrifying eyes of Angelus that we know that all we witnessed during the episode was a fake. It’s an interesting way of getting around the perfect happiness barrier and ends up as a nice episode although it eventually pales in comparison to the episodes coming in season 4 of Angel.

‘ Couplet ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 14

This episode gets a bit of bad rep in the fandom but I quite like it. Maybe I just like seeing Angel all jealous but I think there is some definite merit in this episode. I’ve always liked the character of Groo and his return is in this episode. He manages to do many of things Angel can do, but in a curteous manner, much to the chagrin of Angel. I’ve always found Angel at his funniest when he departs from his broody, responsible side. Fred and Gunn’s relationship also gets heated up a bit, which does lead to some trouble. I gotta admit, the tree villain is a bit crappy but Angel’s victory is nice and his kindness it letting Cordy go with Groo is also very touching.

‘ The Prodigal ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 15

One of the stronger background based episodes of Angel. We are focused on two characters in both the past and present and how they relate to each other’s father’s. Liam (Angel) in the past and Kate in the present. Both have similarities but in different ways. Liam is a layabout who gets drunk and goes around with ladies, much to the disappointment of his father while Kate tries her hardest to be the cop her father was but she cannot connect with him, therefore creating an estrangement. This episode explores these two relationships quite well and in a very entertaining way. To be honest, I like the flashbacks, especially since we are shown how Angelus is created and how he starts his reign of terror. But perhaps what tops that is the power Darla shows as she instantly takes him down a peg by informing a happy Angelus of the immortal defeat he shall feel after killing his father without ever gaining his acceptance. Once again, a similar outcome comes for Kate as her father dies, at the hands of vampires before they can connect. Leaving Kate completely distraught and on a major downward spiral. A great episode that provides a great emotional payoff.

‘ Normal Again ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 17

This episode freaks with my mind. The basic premise of the episode is that Buffy gets attacked by a demon which can cause severe psychosis making Buffy think she is actually in an alternate L.A where she has only imagined Sunnydale and being a slayer. Or is it an illusion? That’s the question that’s left at the end. Preferrably, I am adament that Sunnydale is a real place in this fictional show so that settles my opinion on that. Generally, this episode is a good one and is one of Buffy’s better thriller-type episodes. I probably don’t enjoy it as much some other people but it’s definitely a solid episode. A side note, we get to see Joyce again which is nice.

‘ Superstar ‘, Buffy Season Four, Episode 17

What a coincidence, the two of the three episodes that are alternate reality based fall around the same place in my rankings. Also, they are both episode 17 in their respective seasons, how strange! All in all, I don’t mind this episode but like many of these alternate reality episodes, I just wanna get back to the character’s I know and love. Sure, I like to see how they would react in different situations but I just prefer normalcy. This episode doesn’t change to much character-wise, well, apart from Jonathan and Buffy. Jonathan’s paragon spell makes him the best and brighest man in the world and gets complete adoration from everyone (minus Adam), but his spell also conjures up a hideous demon which must be defeated. The general plot is ok, although the demon looks a bit shady. The most interesting part of this episode is the strength of Buffy to overcome the spell and still find the inner leader allowing her to defeat the demon, returning everything to normal. There’s also quite a bit of humour in the episode, mainly led by Xander.

I Was Made To Love You ‘, Buffy Season Five, Episode 15

A pretty solid episode in which we first are introduced to Warren and establish the use of robit analigues for humans, specifically, April, the reliable girlfriend in this episode. A basic theme of this episode is relationships, specifically, Buffy’s failure at them. April, the robot, acts a bit like Buffy, metaphorically searching for her guy. Buffy hasn’t had much luck with guys and this episode explores how Buffy feels about this. A vital scene is where she sits with a dying April as they discuss love and needing men. Buffy realizes at this moment that she doesn’t need a boyfriend right now. The majority of this episode is pretty solid but it’s the final two scenes in which this episode becomes important. Firstly, Spike’s order of a robot Buffy, which leads to much fun in the future and most importantly, what happens to Buffy when she returns home. I’ll let you wait a while for that information if you don’t already know (and if you don’t know, go watch some Buffy would ya?).

‘ Judgement ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 1

A pretty solid season opener for season two, with a host of new faces and an interesting plot. We are introduced to two new people in this episode. Firstly, Gunn, who we seen near the end of season one is made a full cast member, giving Angel and his crew some muscle. Secondly, Lorne, or The Host as he is known at this point in the show, is established. He is the quirky green, horned demon who can read your future as you sing. Lorne’s introduction as a narrator is actually quite fun and provides something of an outside, demon look on the preceedings. Plot-wise, things are pretty solid with some great action and some thrillerish aspects. The interesting part is when Angel kills a demon who is actually protecting an important pregnant girl. Angel’s has virtually killed a good demon and now needs to make up for it by taking on the previous demon’s job and protect the pregnant lady. It’s an innovative plot and is provides some nice entertainment. This episode essentially marks the beginning of a new age of Angel, one where things aren’t so case-based but rather, Wolfram & Hart based.

‘ Players ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 16

A Gunn episode, which doesn’t happen often in the series. The episode’s main plot revolves around the return of electric Gwen as she recruits Gunn into helping her rescue a kidnapped girl. The plot is pretty much inconsequential but what makes this episode fun is seeing Gunn gets some solid facetime. His interactions with Gwen are a lot of fun and I’ll even go as far as to say that this is Gunn’s best episode in the series. In the end, Gwen has actually tricked Gunn into helping her acquire a device which allows her to touch people, and guess who she touches first (not Angel). The secondary storyline is actually the main arc of the series which revolves around the strange Cordy and Connor. Angel and the gang have become suspicious of Cordy and her behaviour and decide to set her up, finding out that she is actually the mastermind behind all the bad that’s happened this season. We all knew beforehand, but it’s nice now that they know to. Another solid Angel episode, there’s quite a lot of them.

Ultimate Buffyverse Episode Ranking: #200 – #176

Posted in Rankings on April 29, 2009 by hyperionecta

‘ Carpe Noctum ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 4

Something of a silly episode, which can be a good change of pace at times. The episode involves the body switching between Angel and a rather old man who misses his heyday. Plot-wise things are basic and fairly average but that’s not the good parts of this episode. Strangely enough, it’s the body switching which ends up being pretty funny, especially as we get to see Angel (or rather and old dude in Angel’s body) act quite unlike himself. The old guy gets quite frisky in an immortal body and even gets close to shagging with Lilah on his Angel’s own desk.  In an extra tidbit, Fred finally has to deal with her crush on Angel, especially after the old guys antics.

‘ When She Was Bad ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 1

Opening episodes don’t seem to be a Buffy strong suit. While this opener has some good points for the most part it’s just average which is a bit of a shame. Buffy is really unlikable in this episode as she’s quite bitchy. She does have a reason for it since she’s still getting over being killed, which would take a while for anyone to get over, but I suppose since she’s just so cold-hearted it’s hard to sympathise with her. The lack of a strong villain alos bring down the episode a bit.

‘ Get It Done ‘, Buffy Season Seven, Episode 15

A less than stellar episode in which Buffy delves into the history and creation of the Slayer. The reason this episode is less than steller is because it’s just so dreary. Buffy gets into full general mode and becomes less and less relatable. She hardens right up and becomes fairly cold which is a bit disappointing. The other parts of the episode aren’t all that brilliant. Spike gets his jacket back which brings back his cool a little but apart from that it’s unspectacular.

‘ Shadow ‘, Buffy Season Five, Episode 8

The episode that really starts of the mid-season storypush. Joyce gets diagnosed with a brain tumor which really hits you as an audience. I’ll probably talk about it more when I discuss her death but to see a character you’ve seen for 5 years get told she has a life-threatening condition, it’s quite tough and I think that’s what makes this episode at least somewhat memorable. The downside comes in the storyline with Riley, in which he feels unwanted by Buffy so he decides to try to find what rush she felt with Angel. Not a smart idea.

‘ Nightmares ‘, Buffy Season One, Episode 10

One of the few episode in the first season of Buffy which feel quite a bit like the rest of the show. What I’m saying is that this episode seems to fit quite well into the rest of the Buffy episodes. It has a decent supernatural plot, some nice character interaction as well as some depth to each character. Everything you look for in a Buffy episode.  The thing that keeps this episode from the top 150 is that it just lacks the right mix of everything. The concept is strong and the individual nightmares are quite a lot of fun. I’m not a big fan of the big basher dude who crops up in the episode so that’s a negative.

‘ Empty Places ‘, Buffy Season Seven, Episode 19

Just like movies have low points where things go wrong and characters feel lost and abandoned, so does Buffy. In this case, we are leading up to the big battle at the end of this season and we’ve just been introduced to the mighty Caleb. The potentials are down in the dumps and injured and Buffy’s friends have lost some of their faith in her. The worst part of this episode is also the thing you can’t turn away from, the big argument at the end between Buffy and everyone else. Buffy tries to lead the young potentials into battle again but is met by strong opposition from Giles, Wood, Kennedy, Rona and Faith. Thankfully, Willow and Xander decide to just not agree with Buffy rather than attack her (that might have put a stake in the heart of this episode). Pacing is alright and so is the plot but the last argument, while fairly compelling ends up being very hard to watch because of the immediate loss of trust in Buffy and her skills by almost everyone. Also, I just want to tell off Dawn for kicking Buffy out of her own house.

‘ Long Day’s Journey ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 9

There is some definite murder-mystery elements to this episode which is why I think it’s pretty decent. The Beast has upped the ante on the whole apocalypse thing and has gone about killing important figures so he can block out the sun, making LA a feeding frenzy for vamps and other monsters. The mystery part is when Manny, a rather cliched character trying not to be cliched ends up dying under the watch of Angel, Cordelia, Gwen and Gunn. The problem is that the mystery element seems to get lost in the action of the final act. The Beast manages to fight off Angel and Connor and others and successfully brings LA into perpetual darkness. To sum up, average episode.

‘ Teacher’s Pet ‘, Buffy Season One, Episode 4

One of the themes early on in the Buffy series was that while the episodes might have weak plots or cheesy villains, the characters would provide the entertainment, the plots where just a way for you to see them react and interact. This episode is very much a testament to that. The plot involving a substitute teacher who actually is a virgin-eating praying mantis is really quite stupid, but it’s the characters that make it watchable. Xander tries to be the suave, sexualy experienced teen but actually ends up perfect pray for the she-mantis. This also happens to be the first episode in which we find out that Willow has a thing for her best friend, which is interesting. The other main letdown for this episode is that the lady playing Ms. French, or the she-mantis, is supposed to be incredibly attractive and I just don’t think she is, I’m not saying she wasn’t pretty or anything, just not stare-worthy.

‘ Provider ‘,  Angel Season Three, Episode 12

I think I’m in the minority here because I find this episode a bit quirky. Many consider this to be on the bottom of Best Angel episode lists and that is fairly understandble, there’s no strong villain and a lack of decent plot or pacing but I enjoy what they are trying to convey. Money is something that has been a theme in Angel since the very beginning and this episode deals quite strongly with the business side of things. The team hand out fliers and build a website and soon find themselves busy, which is very rare for them. There is also some humour to be found in this episode which gives it some added spice. Like I said before, the plot is very thin and seeing Angel covet money is a bit strange but for the most part I find enjoyment in this episode.

‘ Blood Money ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 12

This episode is entrenched in the lacklustre middle peroid of season two where Angel is alienated from his friends and colleagues. The episode is really only decent and it revolves around Angel outsmarting Lindsey and Lilah as they try to profit of charity. Plot isn’t all that great and pacing is decent, we also lack a strong villain with the blue guy that Angel fights with being pretty lacklustre. A positive note is that we get to see Anne again who we originally seen in Buffy, it’s nice that they found a recurring role for her in this series.

‘ First Date ‘, Buffy Season Seven, Episode 14

A bit of a rest-stop episode from the frantic pace that is the last season. Romance is a bit of a theme, or rather, fake romance. Buffy goes on a date with Wood so she can find out more about him only to find out that he has a lot more in common with her than she suspected and Xander goes on a date with a nice girl who ends up being a demon who works for the First. The Buffy-Wood side of the plot is fairly decent and interesting, however, the Xander side isn’t so compelling. The First is also more prevalent in this episode, appearing to both Andrew and Wood which is nice. On the whole though, nothing spectacular.

‘ Lonely Hearts ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 2

Angel was definitely still trying to find it’s feet by the second episode, which is obviously understandable but I think this episode put it well on the way to finding those feet. If you look at the episode basically, there isn’t anything surprising or spectacular in the episode. Plot is pretty average and pacing is solid, hell, even the character iteraction is only decent. The best part of this episode is it’s message and it’s mix of elements. Those two things make it a solid effort. Kate’s first appearance is also quite good which is another thing that make’s this episode somewhat memorable.

‘ Never Leave Me ‘, Buffy Season Seven, Episode 9

A pretty solid episode that revolves around two reforming men, Spike and Andrew. Spike is still struggling with his chip and the fact that the First can make him attack viciously without warning or control. Andrew, however, has been caught by the Scooby gang and he has to try to explain himself to them. The interrogation scenes involving Xander and Anya are absolutely brilliant and the definite standout scenes for this episode. There is also some action in the episode with some Bringers attacking the Summers’ house. When you add all the elements up you get a solid episode.

‘ Gone ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 11

One of the few episodes in the dark season six that has a humourous plotline. In this episode, Buffy is turned invisible by the meddling Trio. The incident is actually something of a blessing in disguise for Buffy because she actually can have a little fun and not be so depressed about her life. There is some strong humour in this episode which is a good but it’s not enough to propel this episode into the ‘good’ pantheon. The episode just lacks a little in the plot side of things with pacing and story only being decent.

‘ The Puppet Show ‘, Buffy Season One, Episode 9

I don’t mind this episode, like many of the early episodes in the series, the plot is not perfect and is really fairly cheesy but a good amount of strong character moments make this a solid outing. There’s also the introduction of Principal Snyder which is a big plus, especially since I think this is actually one of his best appearances. The plot involving the doll is a bit of a let down and the constant misdirection is a little annoying but as a whole, it’s a decent episode.

‘ Sacrifice ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 20

Nearing the end of the mind control storyline that was dominate in season four with Jasmine. This episode showed the gang now fully out of Jasmines bind and escaping the cluthces of a controlled LA. It’s actually something of a two-faced episode. We have the part where Angel is leading the group away from Jasmine and Connor which eventually leads to them hiding in the sewers. That part of the episode is pretty lacklustre. But, the good part comes in Wes’ meeting with a strange demon who previously knew of Jasmine. That demon was very interesting and reminded alot of Gollum from the Lord of The Rings. That part of the episode saved it from mediocrity and propelled it into the mid-range on this list.

‘ Heart Throb ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 1

An episode that deals with Vampire romance, an interesting subject. We know that Angel loves Buffy, but is that because his soul? Well, no, because Spike loves just fine (maybe too much). This episode shows another vampire couple who are apparantly completely and absolutely in love, so much so, that the male who is left after his lover’s death decides to take complete revenge on Angel before dying himself. It’s a fairly interesting plot, and one of the few episodes where plot beats out character because there is a lack of strong character interaction. Bordering on ‘good’ but not quite there.

‘ Dead End ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 18

An episode that focuses on Lindsey and his lack of a hand specifically. Lindsey is a pretty strong character and this happens to be his last episode for quite a while as he manages to finallly break away from Wolfram and Hart. His plot which involves getting a functioning real hand to replace his lack of one is a bit of a doozy as the hand turns out to be evil, which sounds a bit silly I know and the plot is not a strong suit of this episode. In the end, seeing Lindsey go out on his own is satisfying. On the Angel side of things, Cordelia has to deal with the painful visions she’s getting and the lasting effects they are having on her which is a fairly interesting B-plot. Still, a decent episode.

‘ Killed By Death ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 18

This is the episode that effectively breaks the constant greatness that hits that mid part of season two. In saying that, this episode is still fairly solid. Buffy leads really quite well, even while sick and everyone else compliments nicely, especially Cordelia, who’s humour is a standout. The plot isn’t terrible but isn’t great either. A positive though is that the Der Kinderstod is really quite frightening, although his defeat is a little lame. A solid episode.

‘ The Shroud Of Rahmon ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 8

This episode mixes two themes, a crime mystery and a heist story. In a strange twist, we are given the aftermath first with Wes being interrogated by police after the events that transpire. We only then flash back on the story involving a heist of an important demon artifact. Angel infiltrates his way into the job. Gunn also squeezes in, much to Angel’s dismay. The tension created is pretty good and Angel acts well as a loudmouth, 40’s style gangster vamp. The animousity between Angel and Gunn is built well and when Kate gets involved things just turn out bad. On the whole, a solid outing.

‘ I’ve Got You Under My Skin ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 14

Another mystery-based episode, and this one is actually quite good. I think what makes this episode better than some of the other’s in season one is that it really feels like a mystery. There’s a pretty strong plot, a decent set of one-time characters, a mysterious villain & a nice twist. But, in saying that, we still get nice stuff from Angel, Cordy and Wes. Only let downs I can think of is some pacing trouble and a lack of action but you know, it’s a mystery, it doesn’t need that much action.

‘ Anne ‘, Buffy Season Three, Episode 1

The season opener for the brilliant season three, but this episode is not particularly stellar. After the disasters of season two, Buffy decided to leave Sunnydale, eventually ending up in L.A. I feel like this episode was a mini-test run for Angel since the lighting & general plot is very similar. As a whole, the episode is decent. It plods along a bit and Buffy is pretty depressed throughout although it’s nice to see her embrace her Slayer-side to escape a hell dimension. There’s also the reintroduction of Chantrelle/Lily/Anne who we seen back in Lie To Me. It’s nice to see her again, especially since she acts as something of a duplicate for Buffy’s problem. Back in Sunnydale, there is little going on but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some entertainment. I especially like Xander & Cordelia’s interactions, as well as Oz’s explanation of his return to school for Willow. Solid episode, but not up to the scratch of the rest of the season.

‘Forever’, Buffy Season Five, Episode 17

After the heartwrenching previous episode, we probably needed a show that could just stablize the season, and for the most part, I think this episode succeeds. It doesn’t provide a lot of action, or comedy but it does have some drama. The worst part of this episode is Dawn, I’m sorry to say. She is very cold to Buffy throughout, and she has a reason to be upset, but her anger towards Buffy is quite depressing. There isn’t really much else that is earthshattering or anything like that. Glory gets closer to finding the key’s location and form and Willow’s misuse of magic starts to begin since she secretly encourages Dawn’s idea of bringing back Joyce. The strongest scene is when Spike offers his respects to Joyce, despite Xander’s absolute coldness. A nice, touching gesture.

‘ Buffy Vs. Dracula’, Buffy Season Five, Episode 1

Another solid season opener which doesn’t represent the rest of the season. I think it was inevitable that someone like Dracula would make an appearance in Buffy. I actually quite like how he is depicted. His accent, look and powers are very traditional, giving him a sense of uniqueness for the series. It also made sense to pit the slayer against a guy like Dracula. The plot is decent, I especially like the set-up of the dark power within Buffy, which gets explored further in season seven. Xander, Will & Giles get some funny moments while Riley starts to get a little annoying with his jealously. on the whole, this episode is just a solid opener, much in the same vein as Anne.

‘ Offspring’, Angel Season Three, Episode 7

A pretty strong episode. Darla comes back into Angel’s life with a little surprise. A baby. Something Angel probably would never, in a million years would think could happen. Darla’s presence in this episode is really quite brilliant. She displays some wry humour and provides a strange dynamic within the group. We also get some emotion within this episode as Darla has to deal with a soul for the first time, something she has trouble adjusting to. Aside from this, we also are given some more background on Holtz, the big bad of this season as well as the real beginnings of a Angel-Cordelia relationship. At the end of the day, this episode is a good watch and provides a real stepping stone into the season’s main story arc.

Ultimate Buffyverse Episode Ranking: #225 – #201

Posted in Rankings with tags , on March 6, 2009 by hyperionecta

‘ What’s My Line, Part One ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 9

An average episode that is really more of a lead-in to the much better next part. The plot is fairly decent but focuses more on the Tarakan assassins than on Dru and Spike, who are the more interesting. The Assassins are very cliched and not at all interesting, even though the bug man is slightly strange. Kendra, the first Slayer we see who is not Buffy is introduced via a misdirection. It is nice to see some chick fights but on the whole, it’s just a lead-in to the second part.

‘ Sleep Tight ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 16

This really is the big middle season climax. Like I said in the Forgiving section (see #227) I’m not a huge fan of the Wesley betrayal storyline. I appreciate how troubled he is which is why the episode is rated higher than Forgiving. I also like the drama created by Wesley’s betrayal but, because of my dislike for the storyline I just can’t enjoy this episode a lot.

‘ Quickening ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 8

Another pretty average episode in which we follow the gang as they try to protect a pregnant Darla from both Wolfram & Hart and a vampire cult. There’s some positives to note, Darla is quite funny this episode and has a bit of charisma with the other characters, I also find Holtz and Sahjhan to be a fairly interesting couple of villains. The main letdown is some of the pacing and the lack of a strong plot as it is mainly a lead in to next episode.

‘ I Robot, You Jane ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 8

The first episode that properly focuses on Willow. Unfortunately, the episode is not as good as it could be. The plot flows largely around the use of the internet and how romance can be manipulated by the wrong people (or demon). It’s all very cheesy and cliched which is pretty disapointing because the characters are quite solid. Buffy & Xander’s caution about Willow’s obsession is a lot of fun and the introduction of Jenny is nice, especially her interactions with Giles. If not for the weak plot, it would have been a solid episode.

‘ Expecting ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 12

Very similar to the previous episode on my ranking. An episode with an awfully weak plot but solid characters. The plot involving demon impregnation is very stupid and not really entertaining. Luckily, Wes & Angel do a good job of keeping us happy throughout the 4o minutes.

‘ Reptile Boy ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 5

Right smack bang in the middle of season two’s monster-of-the-week episode run that appears for most of the first half of the season.  This episode isn’t too bad, it has some weak points involving a snake demon and a set of charming frat boys but some nice moments keep you interested. In the end, a fairly forgettable episode.

‘ Beer Bad ‘, Buffy Season Four, Episode 5

I’m ashamed to say I enjoyed Buffy’s cavegirl speak, yes, it’s stupid I know, but I find it funny which is why this episode trumps some others higher on the list. I also like seeing Parker get what he deserves too. The plot on the whole is really quite bad but I still find the episode slightly fun purely because Buffy’s cavegirl persona. I’m very sad, I know.

‘ Inside Out ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 17

The climax to the evil Cordelia demon storyline, and thankfully it ended when it did because it was tainting the character of Cordelia. We all know it wasn’t her but seeing Charisma Carpenter act in such a way is tough, I’m happy they gave her one last episode so we can remember her the way she always was. But I’m getting off track. This episode focuses largely on Connor and his loyalty to Cordelia. For the most part, things are pretty average and really nothing stands out.

‘ The Killer In Me ‘, Buffy Season Three, Episode 13

An episode with too much Kennedy which immediately makes it less than it could be. Let’s make it be known right now, that as a Willow fan, I hated her relationship with Kennedy. It’s best to not dwell on it. I like that we finally get to properly deal with Willow’s guilt over killing Warren but I’m unsure about it’s execution. Kennedy just makes it worse. I also enjoyed the double acting by Alyson Hannigan and Adam Busch.

‘ Shiny Happy People ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 18

The final phase of Angel‘s season four storyline begins here. The godly woman who was born from Cordelia immediately manages to hypnotize the gang which makes for a fairly interesting storyline. Unfortunately, it also slows down the action considerably. The pacing and action get slowed down quite a lot, so much so that the whole episode gets dragged down. Thankfully, Fred manages to see the light via her blood mixing with the all-powerful Jasmine’s which gives us something to enjoy throughout the episode. Fred’s solitary fight against Jasmine, while nice, is much more interesting in the episode, The Magic Bullet.

‘ As You Were ‘. Buffy Season Six, Episode 15

The return of Riley to Sunnydale. I’ll be honest, I originally liked Riley, but I thought his character dropped off quite a bit later on. So, seeing him return is something I wasn’t looking forward to. In the end, it’s a decent episode, his new wife, Sam, is fairly nice and adds a dynamic to the episode. Plot-wise, things are a bit of a downer. Having Spike be this demon dealer is really quite stupid and seemed like it was a last minute addition. There is a lack of strong character interaction as well. Part of the lacklustre mid-point during season 6.

‘ Listening To Fear ‘, Buffy Season Five, Episode 9

A part of the very small slump that hits season 5 around the mid-point. This plot involves a Queller demon coming from space to kill the mental patients Glory has been creating with her ‘brain sucking’, which makes Joyce a prime target after her new tumor diagnosis. The Queller is really quite bad, and not all that interesting. What is interesting is Joyce’s condition and that’s what makes this episode decent.

‘ Inca Mummy Girl ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 4

A episode in a similar vein to Reptile Boy (see #220), a fairly lame plot tinged nicely with some decent character moments. This episode deals with a relationship between Xander and a pretty Incan princess, who also happens to be a mummy who needs life she sucks from victims to survive. It’s a decent plot but suffers from the early notion that Buffy can’t outmatch her opponent which is why Ampata manages to trap Buffy in her own tomb, which is just plain silly. In an unrelated tidbit, first appearance of Oz, one of my favourite characters.

‘ Sense & Sensitivity ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 6

A strange episode in Angel‘s early history. I don’t mind this episode mainly because I find it slightly funny. The plot meanwhile doesn’t hold up quite the same. I like that Kate has a bit more involvement in the plot and she comes off as quite a strong cop. I also am sorry to say, was slightly humoured by the sensitivity whammy that Angel and Kate get hit with. There’s also a nice scene where Angel has to act all cheery to stall some mafia guys which I find hilarious. On the whole, a decent episode.

‘ Where The Wild Things Are ‘, Buffy Season Four, Episode 18

One of season four’s few fairly basic cheesy episodes. This episode focuses on a house which emits a paranormal sexual energy powered by a non-stop sex session that Buffy and Riley have throughout the episode. I think that’s the big problem with the episode, it lacks direction because Buffy has little screen time and the other characters split the rest, leaving no central character to focus on. The other big-let down is the plot which is pretty weak to be honest, mainly due to a lack of real villain. On a good note, Xander and Anya are brilliant and really provide the humour for this episode.

‘ Living Conditions ‘, Buffy Season Four, Episode 2

Another one of the few season four episodes that have a pretty terrible plot but is somewhat saved by nice character interactions and solid humour. For some reason, I find Buffy incredibly hilarious when she becomes slightly unstable like she does in this episode. Her manic ramblings and constant paranoia make her incredibly fun to watch. It also makes the other characters interactions with her quite fun. Unfortunately, the plot and ending is pretty poor which drags the episode down quite a lot. Also, much to much Cher for my taste.

‘ Ted ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 11

An interesting episode that was brought down by a disappointing ending. The first half of this episode is top grade stuff and if it carried on in a similar vein might have ended up in the top 50 but unfortunately that wasn’t meant to be. Basically, this episode revolves around a new man in Joyce’s life who seems to be the perfect guy which everyone loves, apart from Buffy. Her intuition turns out to be quite good as Ted, played by the late, great John Ritter, actually is a robot who collects wives. The brilliant part of this episode is when Buffy trully thinks she killed Ted by kicking him down her stairs. It’s the first time Buffy has had to deal with such an issue and it will have an affect throughout the rest of the series. It’s just sad that the ending involving robot Ted diminishes the possibe greatness the episode potentially had for us.

‘ The Freshman ‘, Buffy Season Four, Episode 1

Something of a cult episode to some people. Personally, I think it’s just average. My main issue with the episode is the villlains, Sunday and her crew. They are incredibly cliched and I still have a little trouble with Sunday being able to subdue Buffy so easily during the episode, if Angelus and Spike cannot why can she? Some positive notes include how nice it is too see Willow fitting in college while Buffy has a little trouble with it. I also find Xander to be very cool throughout the episode, especially when he gives Buffy some confidence in herself via a nice speech. Just an average starting to season four.

‘ Loyalty ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 15

The beginnings of the Wesley betrayal storyline. I like this episode better than Sleep Tight (see #224) or Forgiving (see #227) because we can really feel for Wesley and his struggle to do what he thinks is right. Angel also is very humourous as he really gets into his fathering role with Connor. We also get some interesting relationship plotlines involving Fred and Gunn. On the whole though, this episode doesn’t stand out.

‘ The Price ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 19

An episode with interesting ideas that is just a little let down by the plot. Much of the episode is about loss and what you will do to overcome or prevent such a loss. Angel is still dealing with losing his son to Holtz and decides to do everything he can to get him back which eventually puts others in danger, especially Fred. The concepts behind the episode are good and provide an extra layer of thinking for the episode but the slugs created as a price for Angel’s attempt at getting Connor back are just a little too lame to be taken seriously.

‘ Dead Man’s Party ‘, Buffy Season Three, Episode 2

Incredibly similar to the previous episode on this list, The Price, we have some nice moments that are somewhat lessened by a troublesome plot. The good stuff revolves around the return of Buffy and her having to try to connect with her friends and family after leaving them high and dry. It’s actually very satisfying to see Buffy have to explain her actions to everyone because in a way, she’s explaining herself to the audience. All this character interaction is very good and pretty emotional but as soon as the zombies and masks get involved things just go down hill which is very sad because this episode had some nice potential.

‘ Benediction ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 21

Second last episode are always tough, they often have fairly strong plots but always act as a lead-in so more often than not you have fonder memories for the last episode than the second last. This is all too true with this episode. There are some positive things, Angel and Connor have some time to bond (or so we think), Wesley and Lilah some to come together & Holtz returns. All fairly decent things but it just doesn’t stick in the memory like other episodes, especially when compared to other season endings in other seasons.

‘ Peace Out ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 21

Another pentultimate episode, this one is a bit different though because it effectively ends the season storyline. Much like Benediction, things just don’t stick in your mind like they should. Angel is sent to a demon world previously inhabited by Jasmine where he has the obligatory fight and ends up providing the ingredient that breaks Jasmine’s hold on LA. Her final defeat eventually comes from Connor punching his fist through her head. The most interesting part of this episode is the very end when we find Lilah sitting in the lobby of Hyperion Hotel. Not only does that lead into a brilliant last episode but makes you think about what is more important: free will or world peace which Jasmine provided, I know what I’d pick. (The former for those unknowing ones).

‘ Never Kill A Boy On The First Date ‘, Buffy Season One, Episode 5

A fairly average first season episode. I have a few complaints. Firstly, Owen is way to similar to Angel but I did find it interesting that he turned out to be a danger junkie considering his broody demeanor. Secondly, pacing is really quite slow and things don’t turn up until the end and even then it’s not frantic. Lastly, the villain involved, the psycho vamp is fairly pedestrian. On the positive side, we get some nice Buffy humour and Cordelia interaction as well as some decent appearances from Xander, Willow and Angel.

‘ Beauty & The Beasts ‘, Buffy Season Three, Episode 4

One of the few episodes that have an Oz-focus which makes me very sad because he is my favourite character. There is two sides to this story. The Pete side and the Oz side. Pete’s side is fairly average, a whole Jeckal & Hyde deal which is only slightly entertaining. Oz’s side however is much more interesting because his werewolf background isn’t explored in detail and having the possibility of him killing someone in wold form is quite dramatic, especially when you consider Oz’s calm and cool personality. Still, even with the Oz issue the episode ends up pretty average.

Ultimate Buffyverse Episode Ranking: #254 – #226

Posted in Rankings with tags , on March 2, 2009 by hyperionecta

‘ The Pack ‘, Buffy Season One, Episode 6

The Worst episode of Buffy in my opinion and I know that many out there will disagree. This episode brings nothing to the table both for the series overall and for any of the characters. The only good thing I can think of is Giles line about having to kill Xander since he’s turned into a mean 16 year-old boy. The plot is amongst the most stupid plotlines in the Buffyverse. A Hyena possession is very, very silly and was not well thought out with the only merit coming from making Xander a victim of the possession. The eating of Principal Flutie was not only stupid but unfortunate because I found his character quite charming, although it did allow for Snyder which was a admirable replacment. I also found Buffy to be very ineffective throughout the episode. And lastly, the whole climax involving Giles being subdued by a zoo trainer responsible for the possessions before finally being killed by Buffy is not only crap but doesn’t match with the non-human killing principles established by the show later. Thankfully, this is one of only 4 episodes that I believe are pure bad in the whole of each series.

‘ Doublemeat Palace ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 12

Poor plot, lack of character development, painfully slow pacing & a very poor villain. Buffyverse episodes aren’t perfect, we all know this but virtually all episodes provide something which make it good fun to watch, whether that be a decent plot, some nice humour or, in most cases, just the pleasure of watching the characters. Unfortunately, there is little to none of these redeeming qualities. To be honest, I can’t remember much of this episode, I watched it twice and that was enough. The whole ‘fast food is bad’ message also seemed poorly executed. On the whole, lacklustre, to the extreme.

‘ The Bachelor Party ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 7

The worst of the Angel episodes which is unfortunate because I really liked Doyle and one of his critical background episodes is a stinker. The main letdown is a very slow and poor plotline which turned just a little two weird. The parts involving Doyle’s past and his continuing relationship with Cordelia provide some positives but not enough to make the episode salvagable.  The whole bachelor party part of the episode is boring and lacked any of the usual punch. Angel is also very subdued and provides little apart from a bit of a fight scene in the end.

‘ All The Way ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 6

The last of what I consider to be the worst of the Buffyverse episodes. All The Way focused on Dawn and she doesn’t quite provide the same importance or interest as other characters. For the most part it’s a basic, “I’m a teenager and I’m rebelling.”, plot. There is some nice character stuff though. Willow’s magic abuse becomes more apparent to Tara and Xander announces his engagement to Anya. Buffy is also a little more fun which I like but not enough to save an episode that for the majority of the time is fairly boring.

‘ Wrecked ‘, Buffy Season Six, Episode 10

A critical episode in the development of Willow’s abuse of power storyline, well, at least it should of been. Instead, we had a drug addiction storyline that felt cheap in comparison. Now, don’t misunderstand, I thought Alyson Hannigan performed quite admirably. But her storyline just wasn’t as good as it potentially could have been. I would have rathered a more subtle addiction device or the continued use of power corruption. Unfortunately, the drug storyline used is very unsubtle and the use of a secret, magical drug den filled with magic addicts and a dealer who is just plain bad makes me cringe. Thankfully, we do get a few redeeming moments. The morning after with Buffy and Spike is very amusing and Willow’s regret at the end is quite strong.

‘ Reprise ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 15

I will definetly be in the minority here but I never liked this episode. I can’t put my figure on why I don’t like it either. It has some very critical moments for the season and series. Kate & Angel finally hit rock-bottom and both seek comfort which is not good for them, drugs and Darla respectively. It all sounds great but it never grabs me. Throughout the episode all I can think about is how I want the next episode to come. I just don’t get held by it’s storyline. The best part is when Holland Manners explains to Angel that the home office is actually Earth. I know I should feel something for the storyline but I don’t, and I’m sorry for people who find this episode great but I just can’t see it.

‘ She ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 13

The worst of the run of pretty basic case-of-the-week episodes that Angel ran during that first season. The basic concept in this one is women’s rights which is a good concept but just fails a little in the execution. Bai Ling appears as a guest star but doesn’t click with David Boreanaz which breaks one of the basic plotlines of the episode, the attraction between the two characters. The villains didn’t come across as all that powerful and the pacing for the episode is basic and lacks punch. The best part is the start of the episode where we get to see Angel and Wesley dance, hilariously mind you. That in itself is worth watching the episode.

‘ Bad Eggs ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 12

Much like She, this episode is the worst of the monster-of-the-week episodes during season two. There’s not much to say about this episode. The plot is bad, there’s less than great character moments and the episode on the whole is just poor. The vampire brother’s Lyle and Tector are fairly interesting but badly cliched. Thankfully, there’s a couple of character interactions that are fun watch.

‘ The House Always Wins ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 3

A very average episode which focuses on Lorne and being a slave to the poker machines. The Lorne side is mildly interesting but the gambling side in which Angel get’s his destiny taken from him is silly and a little boring. Lacks some consistent humour and any real exciting action.

‘ I Fall To Pieces’, Angel Season One, Episode 4

An episode with fairly average concepts and moments. Nothing great to report and nothing much to dwell on. Just a basic case-based episode.

‘ Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight ‘, Buffy Season One, Episode 11

A poor episode based around an invisible girl terrorising Sunnydale high, particularly Cordelia. Much like many of these bottom ranked episodes there’s not much to talk about. The plot is unspectacular and there’s a lack of great character interaction. Cordelia does have a nice moment where we see a different side of her character which is nice.

‘ Go Fish ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 20

More silliness. The fish storyline is very average. There is some humour which makes the episode a bit of fun but doesn’t make it a good episode. The ending is also fairly unsatisfying. Once again, I find when Buffy tries to intergrate a message or moral into it’s story things go down the drain, in this episode, it’s about steroid abuse with athletes. Thankfully, this is one of the last pure monster-of-the-week episodes for series which is a good.

‘ That Old Gang Of Mine ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 3

Something of a polarised episode. I fall on the side that doesn’t like it. The episode has some decent concepts and some decent action but just lacks the punch of the better episodes on this list. Also, the character of Gio is very unlikable, but maybe that’s his purpose. I feel sorry for Lorne as his Caritas gets shot up quite badly this episode.

‘ Habeas Corpses ‘, Angel Season Four, Episode 8

Not the best of episodes. Wolfram & Heart finds itself completely and utterly destroyed by The Beast. Connor also finds himself trapped within. Things aren’t too bad until all of a sudden, the victims turn into zombies, for no apparent reason. That’s the biggest downfall of this episode, well, aside from the average quality of everything else.

‘ Goodbye Iowa ‘, Buffy Season Four, Episode 14

A Riley-based episode in which he finds himself torn between his duty & honour as a soldier and his love for Buffy. Things just don’t seem to click for me this episode. I’m unsure about Adam and wasn’t very impressed by his character. Riley, while troubled, was sort of annoying throughout the episode as well. Buffy and the gang had some nice moments but for the most part, this episode is just a little too weak.

‘ Double Or Nothing ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 18

There’s something about Las Vegas and Angel that doesn’t seem to sit to well with me. While I prefer this episode to the other Vegas-based episode, The House Always Wins (see #246) I still find it quite average. The relationship between Gunn and Fred has developed quite strongly and gets tested during the episode so that side of the plot is fairly interesting but the character of Jenoff is sorta boring. Also, the episode just feels like a break from the overall story arc of this season.

‘ Some Assembly Required ‘, Buffy Season Two, Episode 2

An episode wrecked by an unfortunate plot. The one-episode character’s of Daryl & Eric are just a little too cliched, and even Chris, the younger brother who your supposed to sympathise with isn’t likable enough. One of my pet peeves early on in the show is when, for the sake of action, they pit Buffy against a foe who is clearly no match for her. In this episode, Daryl, who’s virtually a zombie, manages to pretty much defeat Buffy and til this day I still don’t understand how.  On a positive note, I think Giles is absolutely hilarious in this episode, so watch the episode for him.

‘ Him ‘, Buffy Season Seven, Episode 6

An unfortunate episode at the start of a pretty strong last season. As a humourous episode, it manages to be fairly funny but Dawn’s whining throughout is just too annoying.

‘ The Cautionary Tale Of Numero Cinco ‘, Angel Season Five, Episode 6

Probably the most boring episode. I never liked this episode and watching it seems something of a waste. Mexican wrestlers, while colourful and talented, don’t seem to fit the universe. Lack of any decent character moments also drag it down.

‘ Billy ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 6

Another episode with a strong message laid into it, this time, violence against women. It’s a fairly interesting concept involving a male who,by touch, can make other men irrationally violent. It makes for a nice in-house chase scene between Fred and Wes, who by the way is surprisingly scary. The downfall comes from the weakness of the pacing for the most part and the lack of subtlety in it’s message.

‘ War Zone ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 20

The introductory episode for Gunn. I think the main letdown is that the episode focuses too largely on Gunn and his life. While it’s mildly interesting and does have a personal moment that goes with it, it’s just a little too dull. There’s just not enough Angel, Cordy & Wes. Lack of major villain hurts too.

‘ The Harvest ‘, Buffy Season One, Episode 2

The second part of the Buffy opener and unfortunately, it doesn’t quite live up to the first part. There’s some nice moments, for example, the explanation of vamps to Willow and Xander and the aftermath of the harvest. But, those moments are overshadowed by the lamish plot, slowish pacing and lacklustre battle at the end. Thankfully, the show was finding it’s feet so it’s pretty forgivable.

‘ Gingerbread ‘, Buffy Season Three, Episode 11

A blemish in the incredibly strong season three. Once again, the moral of this story is about the mob mentality taking over a town.  In this case, the mob is against magic. Now, there’s some merit in this episode, the idea of Sunnydale trying to rise against the strangeness brought on by the hellmouth is quite logical. The downfall comes when the two murdered kids who started the uprising are found out to be a very crappy demon. It just sorta sucks. There is a lack of nice character interaction as well which dents the episode as well.

‘ Why We Fight ‘, Angel Season Five, Episode 13

Suffers from the same problems as the previous Angel season five episode on this list (see #236), just a little too boring and slow. The idea of a vampire sired from Angel since he got his soul is interesting but the rest of the plot involving a submarine and the like is just too weak. It’s also very weird to see Spike with black hair.

‘ Untouched ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 4

A very strange episode. To be honest, it’s just very boring. Lilah gets a little more face time but is nowhere near her best. Everything else is pretty basic. The character of Bethany is also unlikable and I feel no remorse for her which hurts the episode the most.

‘ The Thin Dead Line ‘, Angel Season Two, Episode 14

A part of the middle season slump that happens during Angel season two. This episode features zombie cops who are incredibly brutal which is an obviously based on police brutality. For the most part it’s a weak episode. Angel is still all lonesome, and Anne get’s a reappearance which is nice. The best part is when Wesley gets shot, not because I don’t like Wes, quite the contrary, rather it’s the worry the episode makes you feel for his life. Still, it’s not enough to save this episode.

‘ The I In Team ‘, Buffy Season Four, Episode 13

I’m unsure why I don’t like this episode. Buffy’s entrance into the Intiative is quite funny and the betrayal by Walsh is interesting. Maybe because there’s a major lack of character interaction which is what I tend to enjoy most. Just an average episode.

‘ Forgiving ‘, Angel Season Three, Episode 17

Let’s make it known now, I’m not a big fan of Wesley’s betrayal storyline. I like the consequences which turn Wesley into an awesome dark rogue. The whole stealing Connor situation is very suspect for me and I prefer the other storylines in other seasons. This episode deals largly with the immediate response to Wes’s betrayal and Holtz’s abduction of Connor. Angel is understandably pissed and that’s all good but I just think maybe things could have been executed better. I’m sure there’s fans out there that will completely disagree, but that’s what makes opinions so great.

‘ Blind Date ‘, Angel Season One, Episode 21

Another average episode, mainly because Angel and co. get less screen time than usual. Lindsey gets that extra time and while it’s mildly interesting it ultimately means nothing because he ends up back at Wolfram & Hart anyway. Holland Manners is introduced and he’s quite cool but on the whole it’s just an average episode.